Oh... My hubby will be back soon! In 6 hrs time to be exact :)
The thought of it makes me happy although we still won't get to see each other till next sunday.
Oh, I've pasted some house rules for deary at our bedroom door... hope he follows to minimise the risk of spreading if he suay suay has AH1N1. I super kaisu... scared he spread to his folks lah. Hope the post-sticks all over his monitor comforts him a little too! haha
I'm back at my JW place. Wore mask in the Car while on my way back... Juz being socially responsible to the kind souls who drove me back upon my request. haha. Can't get to slp despite the drowsiness. Too much things to do here, perhaps. haha. The only bad thing about here is, there's not enough food. The fridge is spoilt.. Gosh.
Hmm... another thought came to my mind... (the 1st was not published... err, I chose not to publish it. heehee).
Anyway, here's the other thought...
I think alot of pple feel tt way too lah, and you know it too... They told u as well.
but then, whose perception weighs more? yours or others? sometimes, love juz covers all. Hence, u hear some pple say, "So be it lah. He/She loves her/him too much liao..."
maybe you know it very well too... But you chose to let Love blind you. Cos it's LOVE wat...
hmm... sometimes I feel tt pple who uses too much intellectual to analyse Love, dunno What is LOVE.
And those who dun use adequate intellectual to handle Love, dunno the Practical issues of Love.
Oh well, but where's the balance? No one can tell you exactly.
Alright... We are heading no where... it's juz thoughts ya... thoughts that hv no definite black and white answer.
Love has no black and white answer too... Tt's y i dun regret loving. cos it's not wrong loving. Juz wise or dumb. haha
However, it's worth pondering if quite a no of significant pple tell you tt you deserve better. Think and discuss abt it b4 it's too late ya!
Else you will end up having to deceive yourself to make yourself feel better. Tt is wat I'll define as Qi1 Liang2... Oh, in fact I see a lot of pple in this situation. My heart goes out to them... but can't help... sometimes I help them to deceive themselves too. It's the best way to help them I guess -.-"