Wednesday, April 22, 2009

i LOVE mrt

---> A FREAKISH storm with strong winds uprooted trees, damaged cars and left a trail of destruction on Wednesday night, all within about 15 minutes.

There were numerous reports of fallen trees island-wide, with at least one car damaged by the falling branches in an open carpark. At a housing estate in Dover Road, a large tree almost snapped in half and lay fallen on its side, with other branches strewn across the grassy area.

Eyewitnesses also reported that large plastic barricades used in roadworks were blown across a road by the strong winds, causing traffic obstruction.


And the worse thing is, I was caught in the 'double Jam' --> morning jam cum traffic obstruction (fallen treessss).

LATE for work!!! Argh.

Furthermore, the taxi-driver was as irritating as the jam.

"Miss, u die liao, U die liao. Confirm Sure late one. U dun believe me, u see. Later sure Jam frm XXX to XXX. There's no way u can avoid. Confirm later than u take MRT. U dun believe, u see for yrself. tsk tsk tsk. Ke2 Shi4 ni3 Can3, Wo3 men2 jiu4 hao3 lor."

>..< OH man Uncle! Give me a break, PLSSssss.........

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