Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Thank You, Lord. (Part 2)

I've got my placement in MCYS Child Protection Unit (Investigation)!!!

It is unbelievable! It seems completely hopeless... and then, God granted me with it.
On the spot when the staff announced it, the first thing that came to my mind was to thank God.
Well, it seem like a small thing... yeah, it actually is... But I simply felt so pampered by God.

Juz like what some of my classmates have commented, everything is so rosy for me now. If they were me, they'll be extremely delighted.
YES. Praise the Lord for tt!
It's TOO rosy that I find it hard to believe it as well.
Well, of cos, it's not simply bec of the placement thingy.
They've seen in my life, from small to big things, God has appeared to plan it out nicely for me.
When it seems impossible, God has made things possible.
And I'm always progressing steadily into diff stages of life without much hiccups.

Yup! I'm extremely thankful for all these, and also thankful that others are able to see U thru the wonders that U have done in my life. :)

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